Our Partners
HAS Club - Hausen a. A. ZH
Eventtom GmbH - Ostschweiz
Sumners Graphics - Ron Sumners
Das Office - Rolf Schlup
Radio15 - Betschi
Starschmiede - Marc Gabriel
I studied hotel management, worked in hotels and restaurants. I am a proud mother of three grown-up children, was involved in school politics for several years, organized concerts on the side and helped out at various festivals and events. Later I did the booking in a music bar and over the years I got to know various bands and musicians and became more and more familiar in the music business. Today I can rely on great contacts. I look back on countless concerts and look forward to more unforgettable events.
Sibylle MIAMI Tanner
Züri Rockt! & Alte Kaserne - Zürich
Konservi - Seon AG
Springkonkurrenz - Zug
Treppenhaus - Rorschach SG
Rocki Docki - Flums SG
Restaurant Jakob - Rapperswil SG
Gotthard Bar - Zürich
Engel Bar - Wädenswil ZH
Siggnature Bikes - Saland ZH
The Room - Neftenbach ZH
Kobel in concert - Bubikon ZH
Club1120 - Winterthur ZH
Street Food Festival - Wädenswil ZH
chlyne Hecht - Bern
Rest. Golfpark Zürichsee - Wangen SZ
TC Crows - Einsiedeln SZ
Tschuppi's Wonder-Bar - Luzern
Bistro Pyramide - Meggen LU
Bar Manhattan - Rheinfelden AG
Ölfleck Event Bar - Frauenfeld TG
Heaven Music Club - Balterswil TG
Restaurant Kerze - Schaffhausen